When it came time to sell my place, of course, I chose Tracy. Selling a place is significantly more complex (and more work for the agent) than buying. Tracy marketed the place vigorously, with signs, direct mail, ads, web posts, and professional photography. She also scheduled a designer to stage the place after I'd moved out my furniture. Fortunately, we got an offer within 10 days, so we didn't need it. I'd already relocated 300 miles away when the buyers asked for a list of expensive repairs, including installing a new furnace and fixing a plumbing leak that I didn't discover until moving day, Tracy stepped in as my onsite general contractor. She scheduled the repairmen, handled all the paperwork, and stopped by daily to empty the bucket from the leaking pipe. This level of service goes way beyond even the best real estate agent I've worked with. If I could hire her to help me buy a p…
When it came time to sell my place, of course, I chose Tracy. Selling a place is significantly more complex (and more work for the agent) than buying. Tracy marketed the place vigorously, with signs, direct mail, ads, web posts, and professional photography. She also scheduled a designer to stage the place after I'd moved out my furniture. Fortunately, we got an offer within 10 days, so we didn't need it. I'd already relocated 300 miles away when the buyers asked for a list of expensive repairs, including installing a new furnace and fixing a plumbing leak that I didn't discover until moving day, Tracy stepped in as my onsite general contractor. She scheduled the repairmen, handled all the paperwork, and stopped by daily to empty the bucket from the leaking pipe. This level of service goes way beyond even the best real estate agent I've worked with. If I could hire her to help me buy a place in Southern Oregon it would be worth covering the travel expenses.